Our insurance policies offer a broad range of covers. In most instances of loss or damage, your church will be covered and you will have a claim, as long as the value of the loss is greater than the excess. If you are uncertain, contact your Churches of Christ state office for more information and to discuss your particular case.

Frequently asked questions
Find the answers to common questions about Churches of Christ Insurance
Property insurance
If you need to lodge a claim, it’s important to do so as soon as possible after the event and to take steps to minimise further loss from occurring. Claim forms can be downloaded from the Forms page of this website or be obtained from your state office.
If you are uncertain as to how to proceed, please contact your Churches of Christ state office for help.
Your buildings: Churches of Christ Insurance contracts professional valuers to determine the replacement value of your property and the sum insured is based on this calculation. Sums insured could be indexed each year to account for inflation. Please note that some States might not participate in property valuations.
Contents: Individual churches are responsible for determining the value of their contents and the sum insured will be based on this calculation. Always remember that the sum insured should be based on the cost of replacement of an item rather than its actual value.
Yes, if it is on church property and is not insured under another type of policy, such as home contents insurance. The sum insured is limited to a maximum of $5,000 per person and is claims are subject to an excess of $250.
No, only property belonging to employees is covered and only if it is on church property.
Public liability insurance
No, our Public Liability insurance provides worldwide cover for personal injury and property damage, and as such applies to external activities such as youth camps and missions, as long as they are authorised by the church.
Please note that some activities deemed high-risk may require you to notify Churches of Christ Insurance or seek prior approval. Please contact us your state office if you are unsure.
Yes, as long as the activities they undertake are authorised by the church.
Please note that some activities deemed high-risk may require you to notify Churches of Christ Insurance or seek prior approval. Please contact your Churches of Christ state office if you are unsure.
Some situations may require you to provide evidence of insurance, for example if you plan to use a local council property for an event. In these circumstances you can request a Certificate of Currency from your Churches of Christ state office.
Firstly, do not admit liability or offer to pay for any damage or loss without first speaking to your Churches of Christ State Representative. Claim forms can be accessed from the Forms page on this website, or obtained from your Churches of Christ state office.
Special note: with regard to Professional Indemnity, if an incident occurs which may result in a claim, it is important to advise your insurer immediately as these are “Claims Made” policies – see the Summary of Insurance for more details on these types of policies.
Personal accident insurance – volunteers & youth
Voluntary workers and young people are covered. Speak to us for further information about worker age and status.
Accidental death and injury are covered, as long as volunteers or youths are engaged in church-authorised activities, and the accident is related to bona-fide activity.
For full details please download the Summary of Insurance.
No. Unfortunately, we are not permitted by the Federal Government to cover the gap between the Medicare refund and the doctor’s fee.
General insurance & risk management
For more details about our policies and cover, please download our Summary of Insurance or visit the Insurance Types page on the website.
You can find more details regarding claims on the Making a Claim page, and download claim forms from the Forms page.